Saturday, December 13, 2014


#RelationshipGoals have taken the Internet by storm. Search the hashtag on Twitter and you will see hundreds of photos of celebrity couples embracing, a man holding a woman's purse, a beautiful bouquet of flowers left on a girl's doorstep as a surprise, and so on. The hashtag is basically a place for people with some sort of build up of tension to admire the relationships of other people. While searching this hashtag can warm the heart ('tis the season) it can also get old reeeeeeeeeal fast.

I'm all about relationships - always have been and always will be. When I moved to college, there was a line drawn: either you were anti-relationship or pro-relationship. Being pro-relationship, I tried meeting guys, flirting awkwardly, and texting coyly during the fall semester of my freshman year (a semester that I'd like to CRTL + Z if ya know what I mean). I assumed everyone was trying to find love and found out that not everyone has the same intentions. In fact, I met some very anti-relationship people and let me tell you, if you meet anyone who is very adamant in their disbelief of love you should run as fast as you can from that person.

ANYWAYS. The point of this blog isn't to discuss my past. I want to stress the importance of personal relationship goals. Don't be jealous of that girl you played basketball with (or was it field hockey...?) who just posted a photo of her 3 trillion roses from #bae because apparantly, that's how their relationship goes! Jealousy is evil and the Internet makes it pretty easy to be consumed with it. I want everyone to keep in mind that what works for one couple won't necessarily work for another.

So what do I mean by personal relationship goals? Well for starters, stop comparing yourself to the photos, videos, and Tweets you see online! Think about all of the things that you love about your girlfriend/boyfriend. Maybe it's the way they make just enough coffee so that you can have a cup or maybe it's the way they make you laugh. Love can't be measured in material objects. Small actions say way more about your relationship than any amount of VS panties, jewelry, or flowers ever will.

The next time your boyfriend texts you "Good Luck :-)" before an exam, gives you the last scoop of ice cream, or puts on your favorite song in the car, just soak in the moment and realize that those are the things that true love is made of. Often, the true #RelationshipGoals aren't tangible and cannot be photographed.

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