Friday, April 24, 2015

April 2015 Happenings

#NotAnotherUpdatePost #JK

Hiii everyone! April has been insane! I have been so busy with work, school, my ferret (that happened), and life that April has felt like 2 days as opposed to 24. So let's cut to the chase - here's what has been going on!

1. I got a ferret! Well, Jesse and I got a ferret so we're now ferrents LOL DO YOU GET IT?! I thought I made that word up but apparently it is used frequently on various ferret message boards (those are a thing). His name is Gizmo (although I tend to call him Baby G, Littlest, or Gizzy) and he is such a love! He is 12 weeks old and he is full of energy. I honestly didn't think he was going to be that much work but he gets into/steals everything he gets his tiny hands on so life with Baby G is constantly chasing him around trying to get your sock/highlighter/water bottle back.
2. THERE IS ONE I REPEAT ONE WEEK OF CLASSES LEFT OF THE SEMESTER PRAISE THE LORD ALMIGHTY HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! I have two days of classes left (Tuesday and Thursday), one final paper, three final exams until summer vacation. Even though I'll be working all summer it's going to be SO nice to not worry about deadlines, projects, papers, etc. This semester went by so quickly and at the end of this week, I'M OFFICIALLY A SENIOR! #TimeFliesWhenYou'reHavingFun #IMeanWorking

3. I got a placement for my internship next fall and I am so excited!!!! I'll be working at an afterschool program as a program leader and I get to work with middle schoolers YAY! I get to plan curriculum and take them on fun trips which sounds like so much fun! I'm already planning out curriculum and things to do with them! #IsItFallYet?!

I think that's it for the moment! I better get back to the paper that I'm procrastinating on...This blog was made possible thanks to procrastination and viewers like you. Thank you. (Little PBS reference for your enjoyment ;)) 

Talk to you guys laterrrrr!

P.S. I have 5 blog post outlines sitting in my drafts that I'm hoping I'll be able to write within the next couple weeks! The content is really fun so I hope you enjoy them when I finally get around to writing and posting them!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Can't Stop...April 2015

Can't stop new Tommy Hilfiger rain boots!
Two words: melting snow
Can't stop eating...croissants!
Especially toasted with butter!!
Can't stop drinking...Dunkin Donuts Iced Tea (5 granulated sugars, 2 lemons)
Legit. Not because I work for them either. Buuut the fact that any size is only 99 cents doesn't hurt! ;)
Can't stop listening to...Outside by Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding
Song of the summer perhaps?
Beauty product I cant stop using...Clean and Clear Dual Action Moisturizer 
Perfect skin hydration annnd acne cream all in one!
Can't stop reading...Dick for a Day
Strange. Thought provoking. Funny. (Not my favorite, but an interesting read nonetheless!)
Can't stop watching...Friends
Thanks Netflix ;)
Can't stop hating...tailgaters
Sorry not sorry for going the speed limit!
Can't stop loving...the fact that the semester ends NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!!
I will be this guy. Only, I won't actually be a guy lololol

What can't you stop this month? Let me know!


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Let's Talk Birth Control!!!

Part of being a sexually active individual is ensuring that you engage in healthy, safe sex. This means something different for everyone. Maybe you're on the Pill, maybe you have an IUD, maybe you do a voodoo chant to keep the sperm and the egg from meeting (although I would highly discourage that last one...). The method you choose is up to you! Allow me to introduce you to some of the methods out there. Please keep in mind that I am not a doctor and all information listed below is my opinion.

Let's start with the obvious...abstinence. As I'm sure you learned in health or biology class, abstinence is the only 100% effective method of birth control. There are others I'll describe below that are pretty darn close to 100% effective but even methods that are 99% effective still have room for error. Let's put it this way, if you're not having sex, you absolutely cannot get pregnant because it takes two to make a third!

Probably the most common method is the condom. The great thing about condoms is that you can pretty much get them anywhere and if you're a college student, they're basically thrown at you from RAs and people from health services. Condoms come is every color, texture, and flavor (yes, flavor) you could imagine so there's really no reason not to like them! They also make a female
Ooooh! Pretty colors!
 which is basically a plastic bag that you stick in your vagina. They really aren't very effective so you shouldn't be relying solely on a female condom. I have no idea if stores carry them because they really aren't a crowd favorite. I'm sure you can find them on Amazon because Amazon literally sells everything under the sun.

The patch is exactly what it sounds like. Basically, you stick it to your skin and your skin will absorb hormones into your bloodstream that stop ovulation and make your uterus uninhabitable for sperm. You can pretty much stick the patch anywhere although I think most people put it on their butt or someplace that's usually hidden. It has the same color as a bandaid but despite this, it's pretty visible if you have it on, say, your arm.

The Pill is a female favorite. Personally, hormonal birth control freaks me out so I've opted out of anything that changes my body from doin' it's natural thang. There are a lot of different types of pills that involve different hormones so I suggest talking to your doctor to see what's right for you. The Pill can be tricky for some women because you have to remember to take it at the same time each day. Take extra precautions if you forget to take it one day or accidentally skip a few days as this can potentially cause a pregnancy if unprotected sex occurs during the same time. The Pill also clears acne and improve period cramps so if you're looking to kill two birds with one stone, this method would be a good choice for you!

Some women prefer to get the Depo-Provera shot which is a injection you have to go to the doctor's for every three months. I mean, if going to the doctor often to get a needle in your arm is your thing, go for it! The injection contains hormones which prevent ovulation and creates thick cervical mucus that sperm cannot get through. Yum.

The sponge looks like a mini inner tube that you would see at a water park. It covers your cervix and constantly releases spermicide which prevents sperm from moving. I'm not gonna lie, the sponge seems pretty freakin' weird but I guess to each her own, right?!

The NuvaRing is a tiny ring that you insert into your vagina. It constantly releases hormones that once again, prevent ovulation and thicken that cervical mucus. Hope you've eaten lunch already.

Both the cervical cap and diaphragm cover your cervix. I'm sure you can't feel anything once it's inserted correctly but both look really intimidating.

"Hey, I'm not so scary!"
An intrauterine device (IUD) is a tiny little T-shaped plastic thing that is inserted into your uterus. This can only be done by a doctor. This method is non-hormonal and super effective! You also can have the same IUD for multiple years, too, which is great if you don't wanna ever really thing about birth control! I've heard that this can cause heavier periods and cramping though...

There next two methods I would advise against. The first is the "au naturale" family planning method. This can be done a number of ways. Some women track their cycles, abstaining from sex on "risk days" while some women observe their vaginal discharge (I'm sorry, WHAT?!) on a daily basis avoiding days that the mucus is sticky...? It seems pretty friggin' weird but some women swear by it. Another disadvantage in this method (besides constantly feeling your discharge) is the fact that you have to specifically avoid having sex for a few days out of the month and that's no fun.

Whatever you do, please don't rely on the pull out method. Some guys believe that they can pull penis out in time before they ejaculate and if that isn't risky enough, precum can actually contain sperm which means even if the guy does pull out in time, you could still get pregnant and that's no fun (unless you're ready to have a kid of course)!

Now I want to hear what you guys think! What methods do you use? Why do you like your method? Let me know in the comments or by sending me an email at!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Push Play: Spring Playlist

Happy Saturday everyone! I thought I'd do something a little different today. It's finally spring and I've decided to celebrate by putting together a playlist! The best part is I made a YouTube playlist of all the songs so all you have to do is click here and listen :) Happy listening!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Cohabitation: What I've Learned After One Year

It's hard to believe that Jesse and I have lived together for an entire year now! It seems like just yesterday we were hauling furniture up the narrow staircase for what seemed like days...something my body still hasn't forgiven me for. But here we are, happily living together in our tiny little haven one year later!

Cohabitation often gets a really bad rap...especially for young couples like us. In many of my classes, we've studied cohabiting couples and the results aren't fantastic. We're talking accidental kids, messy breakups, lack of commitment (a.k.a. marriage never happens), etc. Moving in together after being together for a little over a year raised many eyebrows I'm sure. Buuuuut here I am one year later not pregnant, still with Jesse, and moving towards a future together (take THAT statistics)!

Here's a list of what I've learned after my first year of cohabiting!
  1. It's expensive! Living in a dorm for 2 years didn't prepare me for the financial expenses I faced this past year. When I knew Jesse and I were going to move in together, I saved every penny I had and it still wasn't enough. Cohabiting is waaaay cheaper than living in the dorms (I'm saving $30,000 just because I'm not living in the dorms for my last 2 years of college) but paying out of pocket for groceries, toiletries, furniture, rent, and utilities does drain the bank account pretty quickly.
  2. Chores and general daily tasks will consume most of your free time. When I first met Jesse we always had time to watch movies or go to a game at school. Now it seems that if we're not in class we're doing schoolwork and if we're not doing either of those things then we're preparing dinner, eating, cleaning, or sleeping. We usually use dinner time as "catch up" time because our schedules are pretty opposite.
  3. We all have our quirks. Moving in with Jesse I thought I knew all of his quirks already but I was wrong. Pretty quickly I realized that Jesse has a tendency to leave dirty socks around the apartment and leave the lights on in every room. But I'm sure he doesn't enjoy my piles of rejected outfits stacked on the dresser or the way I arrange the blankets before I go to bed. We're both OCD in our own weird ways - another thing we have in common!
  4. Living with your best friend/partner/soul mate is awesome. I never had great experience with roommates in college (I no longer speak or am in contact with either one) so I was excited to move in with Jesse. I love coming home from class knowing that I get to see Jesse and then spending the evening catching up while cooking and eating dinner. The cherry on the cake is getting to snuggle up next to him every night.
  5. Changing your residency is actually kinda scary. I surrendered my New York State license and thereby gave up my New York residency as well ten days after moving in with Jesse. I actually ended up getting a tattoo that afternoon because I determined that I always wanted New York to be a part of my life. To this day, I don't feel 100% like a resident of New Hampshire but I've made a lot of progress.
  6. Homesickness is still a thing. Last summer was the first summer that I wasn't at home in New York for. I didn't expect it to feel as weird as it did. Honestly as summer began, I constantly asked myself what I was doing living in New Hampshire. I hadn't found my niche and everything seemed so foreign. I visited home quite a bit for the first half of summer but as summer came to a close, I felt more comfortable with my new life and surroundings and I haven't looked back since.
  7. Nothing will be as you expect it to be. When I was in high school I thought I had my life figured out. I thought I was going to double major in Hotel Management and Magazine Journalism and live in NYC and become an editor of a magazine for the first half of my life and move to Maine to open a bed and breakfast for the second half. I expected my first apartment would be after I graduated and right smack dab in the middle of NYC. But here I am, sitting in a tiny one bedroom apartment in New Hampshire that I share with my boyfriend. I never expected that this is the path that my life would take but I wouldn't change any part of it for the world. I love my New Hampshire life, I love my school, and I love Jesse. I may not have planned for this life but then again, how can you plan for anything in life?
  8. Don't stop loving. It's easy when life gets busy and stressful (those dishes aren't going to do themselves!) to forget why you moved in in the first place. Jesse and I decided the first summer we were together that we would never spend another summer apart. At the time, neither of us knew that that would mean signing a lease together. We signed that lease a year ago because we fell in love with each other and decided that being together was so much better than being apart. Every time I'm feeling overwhelmed, I always think back to how much that first summer sucked and that always puts everything into perspective. Never stop saying 'I love you.'
  9. You have to make time for each other. Jesse and I can get really focused on our own lives (classes, projects, jobs) and sometimes fall a little out of touch with what's going on with the other person. Sure, we always catch up and share funny anecdotes about our days but we don't always get into those deep, revealing conversations about how each of us are feeling. Luckily, Jesse and I pretty much know if something's up with the other person and before bed is when we'll really talk it out.
  10. Bodily functions are no longer embarrassing. We all know that at the beginning of a relationship you pretend that you don't ever poop. Well, once you move in with someone, you can't really hide any of nature's callings. If you have to poop, you poop. If you have to fart, you fart. However, you will never get away with secretly farting under the covers. You might think that you're getting away with it because it doesn't smell but once someone shifts the covers, consider your cover blown.
  11. Nakedness isn't that big of a deal anymore. Being naked when you cohabit doesn't just mean time for sexy time. Last minute outfit changes 30 seconds before you have to catch the bus go from "Ooh la la" to "Hurry up we're going to be late!"
  12. IT'S SO MUCH FUN! The best part of living with the person you love is the fact that everything that once seemed so mundane is now fun! Cooking dinner means cooking together! Cleaning up becomes a team effort badly choreographed to music! Plus, you can have sex wherever and whenever you want! Talk about a win-win-win situation!