Friday, January 16, 2015

What About Septate Hymens...?!?!

This semester I'll be taking a course called 'Human Sexuality' which, surprisingly, is actually a requirement for my major. To be honest, even if it wasn't a requirement, I would have still been interested in taking it. Anyways, I received the textbook for the class the other day in the mail and as I typically do as soon as I receive all of my textbooks, I flipped through it. I was particularly interested in seeing if they mentioned something about septate hymens.

They didn't.

Our Sexuality...$150 later...
Chapter 3 is dedicated to the female anatomy and flipping through it, I saw more vaginas then I wanted to. The textbook itself verges on porn with extremely graphic photos of different sex positions...but I digress. I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, that based on the detail given about all of the other lady parts, that this textbook would FINALLY discuss the infamous septate hymen. I was very disappointed to see that, once again, it was left out.

How about them apples...?
However, they did discuss, ever so briefly, the imperforate hymen. If you don't know what the imperforate hymen is, you can read more about it here. My understanding is that the authors, Crooks and Baur, decided that this hymen was worth mentioning because it is the only one that requires attention ASAP. With that being said, this is a college level textbook and anyone with this type of hymen would have likely realized they had it/gotten the necessary surgery already. 

What about septate hymens?!
As you all know, the main reason for this blog and for my appearance on MTV's Virgin Territory is to raise awareness of septate hymens. While it doesn't require immediate attention, it still has the power to really screw up someone's life if it goes unnoticed. My proposal to the authors of this textbook is to include septate hymens in the next edition of Our Sexuality. We need to start raising awareness to the other variations in hymens. Every person who has approached me about the MTV show has told me that they had never heard of septate hymens before I opened up about it. This needs to change...for all of the girls out there, whether they are aware or not of their extra band of tissue.

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